
Adult Summer Reading Program
“Literary Elements” is the theme of Cameron Parish Library’s 2014 Adult Summer Reading Program combining science and literature in a variety of programs sure to pique your interest. Come to a stargazing night, learn the science behind Star Trek, or discover the Golden Ratio. Read some of today’s best science writing, learn to write your own science fiction tale, and enjoy a series of science fiction films.
All programs are free of charge. Attending programs and turning in reading logs earns you a chance to win a free tablet computer. Registration begins on June 1st. For more information, call the library at 337-775-5421 and follow us on Facebook for more information.
Whether you consider yourself a senior citizen, elderly, young at heart, or just well seasoned, that doesn’t mean that you have to spend your retirement, and possibly the best years of your life, knitting or fishing. You could check out these terrific resources. The branches of the Cameron Parish Library can provide information on just about any topic you’d like. Many offer programs specifically for seniors, and all are open to new ideas.
Confused by all of the technology that just seems to get more insane with each day? Looking for a new hobby to try out? Need information on small business procedures or just want to get help booking your next trip? There’s someone who can help you!
For Seniors
Large Print Books: Our library branches all offer a wide variety of large print books. From mysteries to westerns to romance novels and more, you can find something to read that will quench your thirst for literature without putting too much strain on your eyes.
Audiobooks: Audiobooks are great for the visually impaired or for active seniors who still want to enjoy their favorite authors. Each branch has an ever-growing collection of top audiobooks in CD format for you to enjoy anytime, even while driving!
Websites of Interest
- State Library of Louisiana
- Cameron Parish Library Online Library Catalog – available 24 hours a day / 7 days a week
- Louisiana Workforce Commission
- Louisiana.Gov – The Official Website of the State of Louisiana
- U.S. Legal Forms
- KPLC-TV Senior Resources
- Cameron Parish Council on Aging
- AARP Health, Travel Deals, Baby Boomers, Election News, Over 50, Online Games
- Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
- Louisiana Department of Children & Family Services
- Travel State Gov
Free Computer Classes
Cameron Parish Library offers free computer classes to the public. Please call 337-598-5950 to register. If you would like to request a class on certain computer topic, please ask library staff.

Kids’ Area
2017 Summer Reading Program
Harvey Rabbit and Friends Show is supported by a grant from the Louisiana Division of the Arts, Office of Cultural Development, Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism in cooperation with the Louisiana State Arts Council as administered by the Arts and Humanities Council of SWLA.
There are many, many resources available to children and “tweens”. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, just ask one of our friendly staff members for help! We are here to serve YOU!
Educational Game, Videos, and Activities for Children!
A+ Math
Interactive educational math activities for grades K-12. Includes math games, worksheets, flashcards and more
Ben’s Guide to U.S. Government
Helps K-12 students learn how our government works. Students can learn about the branches of government, the election process, and how laws are made.
Carol Hurst’s Children’s Literature Site
A collection of reviews of great books for kids, ideas of ways to use them in the classroom and collections of books and activities about particular subjects, curriculum areas, themes and professional topics.
Curious George!
Official publisher’s site for Curious George – for over sixty years, Curious George has charmed young readers with his inquisitive nature and wonderful adventures!
Eric Carle
is a children’s book author and illustrator who is most famous for his book The Very Hungry Caterpillar!
Harry Potter
Read more about this delightfully entertaining series!
Jan Brett
A collection of projects and activities of books for kids, and classroom activities and lesson plans for teachers about particular subjects, curriculum areas, and themes!